OCAP map


OCAP is a Forest Service science-management collaboration with the goals to:

  1. Synthesize the best available scientific information to assess climate change vulnerability and develop adaptation strategies in the Oregon Coast Range in order to understand and mitigate potentially adverse effects of climate change on natural resources and ecosystem services; and
  2. Develop a framework and tools for managers to incorporate the best available science into assessments, resource management plans, resource monitoring, project design, NEPA analysis, conservation strategies, restoration plans and State Wildlife Action Plan updates.


  • The draft of our general technical report is available.
    Halofsky, Jessica E.; Peterson, David L.; Gravenmier, Rebecca A., eds. In prep. Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation in Coastal Oregon. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-xxx. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station.


  • Establish an effective long-term science-management partnership involving multiple agencies and stakeholders to assess climate change science and its implications for biophysical and social resources.
  • Conduct a vulnerability assessment of priority resources and develop associated adaptation strategies to help build resistance, enhance resilience, and facilitate ecological transitions for the Oregon Coast Range.
    • The assessment will focus on climate trends, water resources, infrastructure, fisheries, wildlife, vegetation and disturbance, recreation, and ecosystem services.
    • The assessment and adaptation strategies will be peer reviewed and published, providing the scientific foundation for operationalizing climate change in planning, ecological restoration, and project management.
  • Educate and engage with partners, stakeholders, decision makers, planners, and resource specialists to:
    • Build an enduring partnership to facilitate application of climate-smart management.
    • Provide tools to incorporate and apply adaptation options through assessment, planning, project implementation, and monitoring.
  • Conduct a workshop with scientists, land managers, conservation practitioners, and other stakeholders to review the vulnerability assessment, and develop effective adaptation strategies and tactics.
    • Downscale information from the assessment to identify the most significant vulnerabilities to climate change for priority resources in each management unit.
    • Identify adaptation strategies and tactics to reduce resource vulnerabilities. Adaptation strategies and tactics will be linked to corresponding management operation levels at different spatial and temporal scales.


  • Spring 2019: Establish science-management partnership
    Determine partners and team members, and resource areas to be covered by the vulnerability assessment.
  • Summer 2019: Process data and develop maps
    For hydrology, fish, and vegetation chapters
  • Fall 2019-Summer 2020: Conduct vulnerability assessment
    Clarify priority resources, conduct monthly phone meetings with resource area teams (i.e., water and infrastructure, fisheries, vegetation and disturbance, wildlife, recreation, and ecosystem services).
  • Fall 2020: Conduct science-management workshop
    Clarify priority resources, conduct monthly phone meetings with resource area teams (i.e., water and infrastructure, fisheries, vegetation and disturbance, wildlife, recreation, and ecosystem services).
  • Winter 2020: Finalize vulnerability assessment report
    Add description of adaptation options, conduct internal and external peer-review of the report.
  • Spring 2021: Submit GTR for publication
    Submit report to the Pacific Northwest Research Station to be published as a general technical report (GTR).